
The Worshipful Master, the Wardens, and the Brethren warmly welcome you to Pickens Star Lodge #220, a regular Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Georgia F. & A.M.

Whether you are a fellow Brother, family, or someone who’s interested in Freemasonry, we welcome you to peruse our website and come by the Lodge on a regular meeting night. We would love to welcome you and answer any questions you might have.

Open Communications

 ​Open Communications are most often talks, seminars, or presentations that are open to anyone who would like to attend. We welcome all our guests to join us in the Lodge for them.

Closed Communications

Masons visiting must meet one of the following requirements: 

  • Have a current dues card that is recognized by the Grand Lodge of Georgia, or a letter of good standing if no dues card is required by the visiting jurisdiction. 
  • Satisfy an examining committee and the Worshipful Master when present for attendance and requested of the same.